

谢邀! 最近很多知乎的朋友在游学的路上,也遇到了和我一样的问题“我在欧洲/美国游学,到底收获了什么”。 其实,游学的收获和旅行的收获一样,只有回归生活后,你才会发现它存在的意义。 我2014年游学来到马耳他(Malta),这个位于地中海中心的岛国,距离意大利半岛约56公里。之所以选择这里,是因为《权利的游戏》的部分镜头在这里拍摄。



离开前的一天,我的英语老师带我来到了海边,我们坐在沙滩上,聊着我未来的计划。 “You know what I wish to do with my life?” 他问道。 “I want to travel the world.” 我回答说。 “That is wonderful! You will be a great traveler. But there is one thing you must know about traveling. It always starts from an idea in your mind and it becomes real only when you go places, meet people and do things that other would never do。 So every step of traveling means you are becoming more and more unique。 Your story will never be told by someone else。 ” 说着他指了指身后蔚蓝的大海。

“So today we have been talking about the end of our course and this is how I see it---we have started something but we cannot finish it until we return to our homes. Today is not just another day;it marks the beginning of the rest of our lives. We can never go back to the way we were before we came here. We all change after travelling because we have learnt new things, made new friends and seen new places。

This makes us different from others who may have followed the same courses or spent their vacation in the same way as us. And this difference will make each one of us special. In short, we are now ‘world travelers’. (他用了很长的句子,但我觉得这段话真的很美很妙~)

