

楼上的各位,你们是不是误解了题主的意思呢? 他问的是 移民 签证还是 Resident Visa(1) Residency, 和公民一样,是有投票权的永久居民. 不需要每年都登陆一次,只要满足一定居住时间的要求就可以保留身份. 通常来讲,Resident Visa都是发给在技术领域有贡献或者才能的人. 比如著名建筑师贝聿铭的子女就是持这种身份的. 还有前些日子因为《中国合伙人》而广为人知的徐小平也是这种身份(2)Visit, Visitors visa包括短期访客和长期访客.前者一般指旅游,探亲访友者;后者是指学生,交换生,工作等居留者,他们都需要有相应类型的签证. 如果符合要求的, Visitors可以转为Resident status (3)Work and holiday visas: 这个比较有意思啦...是针对年轻人的临时工作签证.给澳洲和新西兰的18-30岁年轻人开放的,让这些年轻人能以较低的代价先去那边体验一下生活.

我查了一下,这个签证现在还没有全面开放,只是给欧盟和加拿大人先开了一个口子(4)Stamp 1, Stamp 2, Stamp 4 and Stamp 5 Stamps are non-visa entry permits for people who have already been granted a residence visa or a work visa and allows them to travel in and out of New Zealand without applying for an additional visa at each time. 这里面的Stamp 1, 4 and 5是Resident Visa, 而Stamp 2则是属于Visitors visa里面的一种, 持有Stamp 2的可以获得两年在NZ的临时居民资格并且可以合法工作. 在满足一定的条件之后还可以转成Stamp1. 新西兰政府网站的解释是这样的: An Immigration Instalment Payment is when the applicant has been issued with part payment stamps rather than all their required stamps at one go, this usually happens where there's a backlog on processing times which may be many months. It’s not unusual that most applicants only ever receive their first few instalments and don’t get any further payments, even if they eventually do qualify for residency. In such cases it will normally be necessary to apply again from scratch as if new application had been made, paying all relevant fees along the way. It can also happen where someone hasn't met the requirements within the specified timeframe,for example failing to keep adequate records during their business or having insufficient funds held in a New Zealand bank account to cover the amount needed over two years period. There would then be a need to meet other criteria before the application could potentially be reconsidered, eg holding significant assets worth more than NZ$600,000. 另外根据移民律师的回答,对于已经持有Stamp 1, 4或5的朋友们,如果离开超过一年(不连续)则会被吊销,需要重新申请. 对于已经在NZ生活并定居了的外国人是很难被拒绝的.但申请人必须出示有足够的资金和能力来养活自己在新西兰的生活的证明. 哦对了,补充一点,在新加坡转机是不需要的. 我就曾经在新加坡停留过2小时,也顺利地通过了边境检查(PS:


申请新西兰的移民的话,是需要有学历或技术认证的,比如英语流利,雅思6分; 如果是技术类的工作或者职业,并且是有工作经验和学历的,那么就可以申请工签来工作了哦! 新西兰是移民政策最宽松的发达国家之一了。 所以如果想去那里长期发展的话还是建议先移民再过去工作。 因为在那边可以享受到更多的社会福利呢! 在新西兰留学后就业也是不错的选择啊 还有就是在那边读书然后毕业后也可以申请到工签的哦~~而且那里的工资水平也不低的呢~ 那边的教育制度也是以实用主义为原则的,所以学习的内容都是跟工作密切相关哒~~~
