

485签证是澳洲毕业生在毕业后的两年之内(以毕业护照时间为准)可以拿到的签证,分为两个阶段: - 工作签证(Post Study Work stream) - 桥签证(Bridging visa) (1年/2年/3年) 这其中桥签证又分很多种,每个阶段的签证持有者都有对应的使用条件,和不同的续签选择 485签证是给澳洲留学生提供的一个很好的留在澳洲的机会。因为如果申请人不能申请这个签证那么他们就只能回国或者去其他发达国家发展,所以485签证是非常难得而且宝贵的一个机会,因此大家也要好好地把握! 在澳洲学习过本科以上的课程的学生都可以获得一个485签证,但该签证是有时间限制的,一般是从学生毕业的9个月到两年后可以申请。具体要看是在什么时候毕业。

下面我们来看下485签证的具体内容。 首先,485签证有2个主类: 一种是Post study work stream, 也叫PSW Stream. 这种签证适用于在澳大利亚完成至少两年的全日制学历并在毕业后满足条件的国际留学生。

该类签证最长为三年且可多次往返。 但需要注意的是,在申请的时候需要提供已经找到工作的证明。

另一种是Bridging PSW Visa,也即是桥签。其长度根据你的485签证情况而定。 如果您的485签证过期了,您可以申请 bridging visa 来继续留在澳洲;如果您485还在有效期内呢?也是可以申请的,但是只能申请1年的bridging visa C, D或是E。当然如果您485的有效期内找到了工作,您也可以申请bridging E, F或者是G; 不过这些桥签证都是有时间限制的哦! 一般来说,大多数人的485都是3年的有效期,只有极少数人会是1.5年和2年有效期的。所以大家要格外留意自己的485签证是否会在有效期内失效哦~ 现在让我们来看看这2类签证分别都有哪些不同吧~ 首先是 Poststudyworkstream(以下简称PSW Stream) : 176: Bridging Visas for students who have held a student visa and are waiting to start their post-arrivals program or course. For example, if you started school after the arrival date of your current visa this visa allows you to remain in Australia while completing studies that were interrupted due to arrival on a Student visa. Your existing Student visa is still valid until it expires, even though no further travel to Australia has been permitted under it. This visa can be issued up to three times with a maximum stay of six months each time. However there may be cases when the Department cannot issue this visa such as failure to meet the requirement, refusal by the Australian government to pay overseas costs incurred because they consider them unreasonable etc. In these instances an alternative bridging visa will likely be issued instead depending upon individual circumstances. There are additional restrictions which apply to some individuals e.g. Students currently enrolled in a primary or secondary school course must enrol full time at a registered provider. If found guilty of working illegally then this visa would cease immediately without another one being available. You could also receive a fine from $3,0


对于大多数同学,在申请澳洲留学的签证时可能都会遇到485签证,它其实是澳大利亚政府为那些获得技术移民或者投资移民批准的学生签申请人以及他们的配偶和子女准备的永久居住权。 学生毕业后可以申请485签证留在澳洲学习或工作两年多的时间;如果满足要求的话还可以再次申请190/491等永居签证,而其家庭也可同时递交相关的申请。
